Import goods from Turkey easily!

Pricing of Packages

Our price/performance packages for all small and medium sized enterprises


Monthly Packages

If you wish, you can choose our monthly packages with more features. Long-term packages have discounts.

We Are The Best Collective & Coordination House in Turkey

Shipnext Business is the first and most advanced service that provides end-to-end coordination services in Turkey.

Beyoğlu / İstanbul

Contact Form

Ask the questions in your mind and our experienced team will satisfy all your curiosities. We will get back to you immediately.

    More Than 500 Companies Have Partnered With Shipnext

    Still Confused With Our Service? Get Free Trial

    There is a trial version where you have the right to post 1 listing in order to try our Shipnext Business service panel.

    Award-winning, family owned dealership of new and pre-owned vehicles with several locations across the city. Lowest prices and the best customer service guaranteed.
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